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Israel Cyprus Eez Agreement

By 9 marzo, 2022No Comments

Israel-Cyprus EEZ Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

In recent years, the eastern Mediterranean region has become a hot spot for energy exploration. With an estimated 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves, the area has attracted major oil and gas companies from around the world. One of the agreements that has helped to facilitate this exploration is the Israel-Cyprus EEZ agreement.

What is the Israel-Cyprus EEZ Agreement?

The Israel-Cyprus EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) agreement, signed in 2010, delineates the maritime boundaries between Israel and Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean. Under the agreement, each country is entitled to explore and exploit the natural resources within its own EEZ. The agreement also allows for joint development of natural gas reserves that straddle the maritime boundary between the two countries.

What are the benefits of the Israel-Cyprus EEZ Agreement?

The Israel-Cyprus EEZ agreement has several benefits. First and foremost, it provides clarity regarding the maritime boundaries between the two countries. This clarity is essential for oil and gas companies to know where they can conduct exploration and exploitation activities without infringing on the rights of neighboring countries.

The agreement also allows for joint development of natural gas reserves that straddle the maritime boundary between Israel and Cyprus. This joint development can lead to cost savings as both countries can share the expenses associated with developing the reserves. Additionally, joint development can help to build trust and cooperation between the two countries.

Finally, the Israel-Cyprus EEZ agreement has geopolitical implications. Both Israel and Cyprus are small countries in a turbulent region, and the agreement has helped to forge a closer relationship between the two countries. This relationship can help to promote stability and security in the region.

What are the challenges of the Israel-Cyprus EEZ Agreement?

While the Israel-Cyprus EEZ agreement has many benefits, it is not without its challenges. One of the main challenges is the ongoing dispute between Cyprus and Turkey over the delineation of their maritime boundaries. Turkey has not recognized Cyprus` EEZ and has instead carved out a region of its own, which overlaps with Cyprus` EEZ. This has led to tensions between the two countries and has complicated the development of natural gas reserves in the region.

Another challenge is the fluctuation in natural gas prices. While the eastern Mediterranean is a promising region for natural gas exploration, prices have been volatile in recent years. This volatility can make it difficult for oil and gas companies to make long-term investment decisions.


The Israel-Cyprus EEZ agreement has provided clarity and stability in the eastern Mediterranean. It has facilitated the development of natural gas reserves and has helped to improve relations between Israel and Cyprus. However, the ongoing dispute between Cyprus and Turkey over the delineation of their maritime boundaries and fluctuations in natural gas prices continue to present challenges. Nonetheless, the agreement remains a significant step forward in the exploration and exploitation of natural resources in the region.

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