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Ontario Contract Cancellation Period

By 17 octubre, 2022No Comments

Ontario Contract Cancellation Period: What You Need to Know

In the Canadian province of Ontario, consumers are provided with certain protections when entering into contracts for goods or services. One of these protections is the right to cancel a contract within a specific time period, known as the contract cancellation period.

What is the Ontario Contract Cancellation Period?

The Ontario Contract Cancellation Period, also known as the cooling-off period, is a period of time during which a consumer can cancel a contract for any reason without penalty. The length of the cancellation period depends on the type of contract and how it was entered into.

For example, contracts entered into at a place other than the seller’s place of business (such as a consumer’s home) have a cancellation period of 10 days. Contracts entered into at the seller’s place of business have a cancellation period of 10 days, unless the contract falls under specific exceptions (such as contracts for certain types of vehicles or real estate).

How to Cancel a Contract

To cancel a contract during the cancellation period, a consumer must provide written notice to the seller. This notice can be delivered in person, by mail, or by email, and must be sent before the cancellation period expires.

The notice must clearly state that the consumer wishes to cancel the contract and should also include the consumer’s name, address, and the date the contract was signed. It is recommended that consumers keep a copy of the notice for their records.

Consequences of Cancelling a Contract

If a consumer cancels a contract during the cancellation period, the seller must return any payments made by the consumer within 15 days of receiving the cancellation notice. The seller is also required to refund any goods or materials exchanged during the contract, and must cancel any financing or loan agreements associated with the contract.

However, it is important to note that cancelling a contract may not always be straightforward. Depending on the type of contract and the specific circumstances, cancelling a contract may result in penalties or fees. Consumers should carefully review the terms of the contract and seek legal advice if they are unsure about their rights and obligations.


The Ontario Contract Cancellation Period provides consumers with an important level of protection when entering into contracts for goods or services. By understanding their rights and obligations, consumers can make informed decisions and protect themselves from unwanted financial obligations.

If you are considering entering into a contract and have questions about your rights, it is recommended that you seek legal advice.

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